Digital upskilling

Digital Skills Assessment

Digital upskilling is urgent. At PwC, we've learned that you can't hire your way out of a skills gap. Reskilling is key as companies shift to a skills-based approach, making upskilling vital in our evolving tech landscape.

Introducing PwC’s skills-based approach

The challenge of keeping pace with evolving technological trends requires a personalised and adaptive learning approach. There is a gap between employees' current skills and the digital competencies demanded by their roles. Regular assessments enable companies to track and optimise development journeys, aligning workforce capabilities with current and future technological advancements.

We have built up experience working with many firms experiencing similar challenges. Based on our experience, we have developed an efficient and effective methodology for assessing the digital skills of your employees and defining a roadmap to improve skills over time. We combine our experience with proprietary technology accelerators to speed up the assessment process, and help you to deliver meaningful and lasting change at an economical price.

Transform your workforce potential into performance with our proven methodology. Ensure that your workforce is not only ready for the demands of today but also prepared for the advances of tomorrow.


Tailored to your needs

We select the most appropriate testing criteria for your industry and the size of organisation from our library of tests. We work with you to tailor this for any internal topics you may also want to assess. No user limitations.

User-friendly with secure access

Our proprietary digital accelerators are designed with user-friendly navigation and interaction in mind, and enable us to gather information from large groups of employees quickly and easily from your laptop or smartphone.

Real-time data-driven evaluation

Our experts review the results of this assessment and create compelling dashboards showing where the gaps are in your organisation. We then work together with you to identify interventions and further activities to help close those gaps.

Tailored skills assessment: real-time analytics and progress monitoring

Our skills assessment methodology is highly adaptable, allowing for customisation according to your organisation's requirements. Our service provides insights into real-time analytics dashboards, empowering you to produce progress reports and oversee response rates for skills assessments.

Skills gap identification and training focus with real-time analytics

With a 360-degree view of your workforce skills, you can better prepare your people for technological advances while maintaining a competitive edge. Make informed decisions about hiring, succession planning and resource allocation using the results of our Digital Skills Assessment.

Enhanced performance insights: data-driven leadership decisions

The skills assessment supports your overarching strategy by immediately identifying performance and potential productivity gaps across your workforce. Interactive dashboards quickly identify trends and patterns with real-time analytics. This approach supports effective decision-making processes such as promotions, compensations and role adjustments.

Strategic workforce planning: data-driven decision-making

Skill assessments and analytics play a crucial role in strategic planning, empowering individuals throughout the organisation to make informed upskilling choices that align with their specific roles and responsibilities. Our assessments allow individuals to address their skill gaps, allow leaders to address challenges and allow your organisation to meet strategic objectives.

In the spotlight


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